Physical Properties
The Physical Properties Facility provides the means for obtaining liquid nitrogen and liquid helium for low-temperature research, cold traps, etc.
Nanofabrication Cleanroom
The Nanofabrication Cleanroom Facility contains a large variety of equipment to prepare, fabricate, analyze, and characterize a wide range of nanostructure materials.
Electron Nanoscopy Instrumentation (ENIF)
The scope of this facility is materials characterization of the topography, morphology, elemental composition, crystalline microstructure, crystal defects, and atomic arrangements of materials, largely on a scale from 10 micrometers down to the near-atomic level.
Suface and Materials Characterization (SMCF)
The Surface & Materials Characterization Facility employs a variety of very precise, non-destructive probing techniques (AFM, MFM, EFM, LFM, STM, and PFM) for imaging and measuring surface properties of materials from the micron level down to the atomic scale. This facility also contains a large variety of equipment to characterize the mechanical and physical properties of a wide range of materials and focuses on using the many materials characterization aspects to perform failure analyses on components.
Nanomaterials and Thin Films
Two sputtering systems have been established to fabricate a variety of thin films, especially the nano-structured films including overlayers, multilayers, granular solids, clusters, etc. Two tube furnaces are available for sample (target) annealing, doping, and sintering.
X-Ray Structural Characterization (XRSC)
The X-Ray Structural Characterization Facility is dedicated to materials identification and characterization through nondestructive, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), high-resolution diffraction for analysis of thin films, complete structure determination of single crystals (crystallography).