Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers

2025 NanoSIMST

Teacher trainings.

The Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF) is now accepting applications from middle school teachers for its four day, 2025 Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers (NanoSIMST) in partnership with Stanford University and sponsored by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). This a Virtual Workshop (Zoom), that usually goes 9:00 AM - 3:00 each day.

Key Information

Dates: June 17 - 20, 2025

Applications Due: April 18, 2025

Contact: Steve Wignall - or 402-472-6078

Workshop Goals

Equip middle school teachers with nanoscience content knowledge, lessons, and hands-on activities to bring back into their classrooms.  The Equipment and Activities will be mailed to you before the first class. (Approx. $250 value)


After fully participating in NanoSIMST, teachers can receive up to a $400 stipend after completion of SIMST and $300 for classroom implementation.

Program Requirements

  • US citizenship
  • Participants will need to attend all daily meetings, tours, and other activities during the entire program
  • Follow-up activities: curriculum implementation during the academic year


  • Learn about quantum, nanoscience and engineering through lectures, hands-on activities, tours, and guest speakers
  • Develop lesson plans to bring back to classrooms
  • Session on the social and ethical implications of quantum/nanotechnology
  • Opportunity to work with scopes in the Materials Characterization Facility
  • Participate in a remote session through a nationwide network of nano equipment (RAIN)
  • Career panel featuring reps from different local companies

NanoSIMST Application

Indicate your ethnicity, select all that apply
Indicate your gender
Do you have a teaching contract for next year?
School information (for the school you will be teaching at this fall)
School address
School subject(s) that you teach or have a background in, select all that apply
Have you taught or will teach a lab course? If so briefly describe what kind of course
What grade level(s) have you taught in the past and/or are currently teaching? Select all that apply
Breakdown of your schools student population by percentage, approximations are okay
How did you hear about NanoSIMST?